We’re leading this shift, empowering a world where value is limitless, fluid, and reimagined for the future.
Fractions helps people and orgs enter new forms of value while breaking apart old limits.
Our use cases extend beyond dividing art and property—enabling payment streaming, DAO participation incentives, fractional odds, rewards systems, and more. We encourage these innovations directly, through third-party partners, or via developer grants.
Explore opportunities, connect with the community, and bring your ideas to life with Fractions.
Trustlines Set
Use Cases Identified
XRP In 30-Day Trading
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Fractions prioritizes interoperability as a core pillar, extending its presence into DeFi, gaming, and tokenized assets to enhance network effects.
Creators now encouraged to mint 1:1 art.
Turn engagement into value.
Better trading mechanisms, lending, etc.
We're reaching milestones weekly, garnering attention as well as support.